Bond History

We have a long history of strong community support for Elgin ISD. With bond elections in 1997, 2003, 2007, 2021, and 2024, Elgin ISD voters have approved 90% of all bond ballot propositions.

Elgin ISD 2021 Bond Logo

Passed - 68% In Favor

  • New Elementary School #6 

  • New Middle School #2

  • High School Capacity Improvements

  • Priority Maintenance
    HVAC, electrical, windows, fire alarms, and other priority items

  • General Campus Upgrades
    General refreshes, ADA accessibility compliance, cafeteria and serving lines, library modernizations, collaboration + student choice, comparability, fine arts upgrades, gymnasium updates, safety & security, technology infrastructure

  • Athletic Improvements
    Softball, Baseball, and Tennis Upgrades

  • New Buses
    Replace aging fleet and provide transportation for growing student body

  • Transportation Building (Phase 2)

  • Land Acquisition

Passed - 60% In Favor

Career, Technology and Educational Arts, Audio/Video Technology Programs & Press Box Renovation

  • Renovate and expand the press box and elevator to address aging conditions, ensure ADA accessibility compliance, improve safety, and accommodate growth of EHS. 

  • Include instructional classroom space that serves multiple functions.

  • Improvements to safely accommodate students, staff, and guests during instructional time, games, and competitions.

  • Install a new scoreboard, video, and sound system to address aging conditions and to better support CTE and A/V program instructional needs.

Passed - 51% In Favor

  • 2 New Elementary Schools

  • EHS Expansion & Upgrades

  • Fine Arts Addition at EHS

  • New Transportation Center

  • CTE Improvements

  • District-wide Renovations

Passed - 51% In Favor

  • New multi-purpose recreational and extracurricular facility for school activities and community events

Elgin ISD 2024 Bond Logo

Failed - 42% In Favor

  • Upgrades to Wildcat Stadium include a new scoreboard and expansion to the press box